Editorial board
The editorial board is responsible for defining the publication policies of Editora Reconecta Soluções Educacionais, and the board's decisions result in the rules for evaluating papers submitted to the Editora's conferences, as set out in the public notices for each event._cc781905-5cde-3194-bb3b- 136bad5cf58d_
Currently the advice is made up of editors-in-chief and an advisory, interdisciplinary editorial board, made up of researchers from different areas of knowledge, holders of the title of Master and/or Doctor, who have the function of reviewing and approving the editorial policies and publications arising from the events ( annals and digital books). In addition, each event has a scientific committee made up of professors and researchers who act as ad-hoc reviewers, indicating necessary corrections, approving or rejecting works, in the light of the decisions of the editorial board, expressed in the public notice of each event.
Chief Editors:
Prof. doctor Maxwell L. Bridge(Doctor of Science at PPG-EHCT/UNICAMP) CV LATTES
Prof. Me. Eliza C. Wenceslau(Master in Teaching and History of Earth Sciences by PPG-EHCT/UNICAMP) CV LATTES
advisory editorial board:
Prof. Dr. Tatiane Pereira Scarpelli(PhD in Biosciences at IBILCE/UNESP) CV LATTES
Prof. Dr. Ana Carolina dos Santos Gauy(PhD in Aquaculture from UNESP) CV LATTES
Prof. MSc. Gabriela de Sousa Martins(Master in Biodiversity from UNESP) CV LATTES
Prof. doctor Suedio Alves Meira(Doctor of Geography at UFC) CV LATTES
Prof. doctor Tiago AmaralSales(Doctor of Education at UFU) CV LATTES